The Short Version
- Install ChefDK
- From a new PowerShell window
chef gem install kitchen-dsc kitchen-pester kitchen-hyperv
- Change your directory to one with either a DSC configuration script or a PowerShell module with DSC resources.
- Put a .kitchen.yml document in your working directory (like this example)
- Type
kitchen list
The .kitchen.yml example expects that you’ll be using a local Hyper-V instance and that you have a base virtual machine image to work from.
It expects that you’ll be in the root directory of a PowerShell module with DSC resources (class-based or traditional).
It expects that you’ll have an Examples folder with a script called dsc_configurations.ps1 that will have a configuration named Default.
It expects any Pester tests you want to run will be in ./tests/integration/default/pester
All of those things are customizable.
Additional documentation
My talk for the Mississippi PowerShell User Group on DSC and Test-Kitchen