Cascadia IT Conference

I’ll be back at the Cascadia IT Conference (March 15 and 16) for the second year.  I’ll be teaching a full day of PowerShell (PowerShell Fundamentals in the morning and Building Your PowerShell Toolkit in the afternoon).  I’m also planning on hanging around for all the technical sessions on Saturday.

If you are in the Seattle area, this is a conference that is worth checking out.  There are some great tutorial (Root Cause Analysis, Introduction to Puppet, Building A Sysadmin Sandbox, amongst others).  On Saturday, there are also technical sessions covering IPv6, InfoSec, Chef, Logstash, designing IT Emergency Drills, and much more.

Microsoft Managemen Summit

I’ll be at the Microsoft Management Summit (MMS) for the first time this year.  I’ll be co-presenting the Advanced Automation Using Windows PowerShell with Kenneth Hansen (the guy who runs the PowerShell team).  This promises to be an awesome session.  We’ll be highlighting many of the enhancements to PowerShell V3 and the infrastructure in Server 2012.


And I’m back at ForenSecure this year.  Last year I did a talk on Windows 8 and Server 2012 and the enhancements in the security posture in that release.

This year, I’m going to be giving a talk on Continuous Availability and Disaster Recovery from the standpoint of how StackOverflow (and the rest of the StackExchange network) survived Hurricane Sandy and contrast that to the heroics that were required to keep companies like Fog Creek and Squarespace online and running.

LOPSA-EAST (formerly PICC)

Finally this spring, I’ll be at LOPSA-EAST.  I’ll be teaching the two PowerShell classes (Fundamentals and Building Your PowerShell Toolkit), as well as a class on Continuous Availability with Windows Server 2012 Failover Clustering.  Somehow, the conference organizers also found a few minutes in the schedule to let me do a technical session on Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V.   LOPSA-EAST is going to be a busy couple of days.  

You’ll also find a lot of other great technical sessions and tutorials at LOPSA-EAST.  You’ll find content on Puppet, CFEngine, and Chef.  Courses on driving change in your team, migrating to IPv6, and how to navigate the business world.  My friend and co-worker Peter Grace is teaching a class, “The Care and Feeding of Windows Servers for Unix/Linux Admins”.  Technical sessions cover content from Automation to Monitoring, to Patch Management.  My friend and co-worker George Beech has a session on “When Disaster Strikes - Moving StackExchange across the country and surviving 75 Broad”.