I recently had the opportunity to talk a bit about PowerShell with Larry Clarkin of The Thirsty Developer podcast. I had a great time talking with Larry and the time went very quickly (there is so much more I wanted to say, but we ran out of time).
The Thirsty Developer is a great podcast featuring Larry Clarkin and Dave Bost, two Microsoft Evangelists in my area. They cover a number of development related topics and have touched on PowerShell in an earlier show (#43).
After I came across their show, I started to bug Larry about having more PowerShell content. I gave Larry a few names of possible interview candidates, but Larry and Dave primarily focus on in person interviews and feature a number of people in the local area.
You can download the show here and find the show notes here.
You can subscribe to The Thirsty Developer Podcast here.
Hopefully, Larry and Dave will have me back on in the future to dig in further!