I regularly am working with several versions of a database for an application that I manage (a live database, training database, test database, and previous version database). Occasionally, I need to know what the differences between the databases are, especially after our vendor updates my test environment or right after an update in my training or live environment.
Since I spend a good portion of my day in PowerShell, I wrapped some system table queries in a PowerShell script and use Compare-Object to find any differences in the tables and compare the column definitions as well. The queries targets only user tables.
Compare-DatabaseSchema.ps1 takes several parameters.
- SqlServerOne – SQL Server for the first database
- FirstDatabase – Name of the first database for the comparison
- SqlUsernameOne – SQL user name for the first database
- SqlPasswordOne – SQL password for the first database
- SqlServerTwo – SQL Server for the second database
- SecondDatabase – Name of the second database for comparison
- SqlUsernameTwo – SQL user name for the second database
- SqlPasswordTwo – SQL password for the second database
- FilePrefix – Prefix for the log file name
- Log – Switch parameter that saves one CSV file with the difference in the tables. If the Column switch parameter is chosen also, it will save one CSV file per table with differences in the columns
- Column – Switch parametr that enables a comparison of the columns in the tables that match. Columns are compared by name and datatype.
I still have to add some checks for the various constraints, but that will come later.
You can find the script on PoShCode.org.